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How convenient

To add even more absurdity, the German gov't says they couldn't deport Anis Amri from the asylum centre, because he didn't have any ID to enable a deportation destination ... apparently Anis came into possession of some ID just in time to leave it in the lorry. And, his fingerprints were inside truck. He, obviously, forgot to wear gloves. Nigel Farage wants to know how Anis crossed TWO international borders despite being Europe’s most wanted man. How did he travel hundreds of miles across Germany, France and Italy?

Remember these wtf moments:
  • 11 Sep 2001 'plane hijacker passport' survived plane crash & building collapse
  • Charlie Hebdo 'shooter passport' was left in car in front of Paris Jewish deli favoured by Mossad
  • Bataclan 'suicide vest self-killer' had passport 'fly off his body during explosion'
  • CNN reported that Ziad Jarrah's visa was plucked from the wreckage of Flight 93 in Pennsylvania(even though there was no wreckage)

Now, the alleged Berlin lorry driver left his ID and phone in the truck.

You can't make up this stuff or can you!?!

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