Entries by Gangster Government (28758)


CIA reorganizes itself so it can spy on "the entire universe"

The CIA embarked on a sweeping restructuring Friday that will bring an end to divisions that have been in place for decades, create 10 new centers that team analysts with operators, and significantly expand the agency’s focus on digital espionage.

The plans were unveiled by CIA Director John Brennan to a workforce in which thousands of employees are likely to see changes in which departments they work for, the lines of authority they report to and even where they sit.

The overhaul is designed to foster deeper collaboration and an intensified focus on a range of security issues and threats, replacing long-standing divisions that cover the Middle East, Africa and other regions with hybrid “mission centers” modeled on the CIA’s Counterterrorism Center.

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How Thatcher’s Government Covered Up a VIP Pedophile Ring

Daily Beast

LONDON — A newspaper editor was handed startling evidence that Britain’s top law enforcement official knew there was a VIP pedophile network in Westminster, at the heart of the British government.

What happened next in the summer of 1984 helps to explain how shocking allegations of rape and murder against some of the country’s most powerful men went unchecked for decades.

Less than 24 hours after starting to inquire about the dossier presented to him by a senior Labour Party politician, the editor was confronted in his office by a furious member of parliament who threatened him and demanded the documents.

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There was no good reason for Hillary Clinton to use private email 


There are three things I remember vividly from when I took my oath of office as a career federal employee in the current administration: the mountain of paperwork required to get signed up for my health benefits, the peppy presentation by the guy who ran the office gym, and the very serious, very clear instructions regarding federal records. The messages were loud and clear. Don’t lose or break your equipment, and don’t use your own. I don’t know what kind of orientation Hillary Clinton got when she joined the administration, but we now know she chose to use her own equipment.

Before I was a career fed at an agency, I was a political appointee at the White House — a staff constantly under scrutiny from the press, more so than most of our non-political colleagues.

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Nuland and Saakashvili Beat the Drums of Nuclear War on Capitol Hill

Both the House and the Senate today held hearings yesterday beating the drums of war, setting the stage for nuclear war in the near term. Victoria Nuland herself, the personal controller of the neo-nazis in Ukraine, including Prime Minister "Yats," was the only witness before the House Foreign Affairs Committee (under Ed Royce and Eliot Engel, who are pushing legislation to arm Ukraine), where she lied wildly about the crisis and threatened Russia with new sanctions.

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A Thank You Message from Dr. Niels Harrit

Thanks to you, we have raised the funds needed to cover the legal expenses for my forthcoming libel suit against the Danish newspaper Weekendavisen.
I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for this unbelievable show of generosity. Your support is deeply moving, and it gives me great encouragement as I go forward. I am honored that so many of you contributed and will be paying close attention to what happens.

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IMF Director Admits: Greek Bailout Was "To Save German & French Banks"


New Zealand Spies on Neighbors in Secret ‘Five Eyes’ Global Surveillance


New Zealand’s electronic eavesdropping agency is spying on its neighbors and sharing communications it intercepts in bulk with the National Security Agency through a controversial Internet mass surveillance system, according to newly revealed secret documents.

Government Communications Security Bureau, New Zealand’s equivalent of the NSA, has been sweeping up the data from across the Asia-Pacific region, targeting island nations such as Tuvalu, Nauru, Kiribati, Samoa, Vanuatu, the Solomon Islands, Fiji, Tonga and France’s overseas territories New Caledonia and French Polynesia. Each of these small nations and territories maintains friendly relations with New Zealand.

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The “Snowden is Ready to Come Home!” Story: a Case Study in Typical Media Deceit

Most sentient people rationally accept that the U.S. media routinely disseminates misleading stories and outright falsehoods in the most authoritative tones. But it’s nonetheless valuable to examine particularly egregious case studies to see how that works. In that spirit, let’s take yesterday’s numerous, breathless reports trumpeting the “BREAKING” news that “Edward Snowden now wants to come home!” and is “now negotiating the terms of his return!”

Ever since Snowden revealed himself to the public 20 months ago, he has repeatedly said the same exact thing when asked about his returning to the U.S.: I would love to come home, and would do so if I could get a fair trial, but right now, I can’t.

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Iraqi Army Allegedly Downs A US Helicopter For Providing Weapons To ISIS: Report


The Iraqi Army has once again claimed that it has downed a NATO aircraft that was providing military assistance directly to ISIS according to Iranian FARS News Agency.

This time, the Iraqis are claiming they shot down a US Helicopter in the Al-Bagdadi region in Anbar Province last week. The reason for shooting the helicopter, according to FARS and, apparently, high-ranking Iraqi officials, was that the helicopter was carrying weapons to ISIS.

Head of the Iraqi Parliament’s National Security and Defense Committee and senior Iraqi legislator, Hakem al-Zameli has stated that the Iraqi government is constantly receiving reports from its security forces that NATO aircraft is dropping weapons to ISIS.

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Department of Justice Shut Down Search For Lois Lerner’s Emails


The Department of Justice blocked an attempt to force the Internal Revenue Service to search for Lois Lerner’s missing emails at off-site storage facilities, according to a lawyer pushing to obtain the emails.

The IRS never looked for Lerner’s backup email tapes at the West Virginia storage facility where they were being housed. Treasury deputy inspector general Timothy Camus told Congress that the IRS never asked IT professionals at the New Martinsville, W.V. storage site for the backup tapes. Camus only found the backup tape for Lerner’s missing 2011 emails about two weeks ago.

But the Obama administration knew that emails were stored at off-site facilities, and even shut down a legal request to send somebody to go look for them.

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FBI email warns whistleblower of retaliation if surveillance program concerns reported


The FBI bluntly told a potential whistleblower that he could face retaliation by coming forward with concerns about political meddling inside a secret terrorism and counterintelligence surveillance program.

The warning came in an email from a bureau attorney that raises questions in Congress about the bureau’s ability to properly handle accusations of wrongdoing and protect those who come forward.

The Senate Judiciary Committee is planning to take testimony Wednesday about the FBI’s whistleblower protections, and an ongoing review of the bureau’s surveillance program has raised concerns for the panel’s chairman, Sen. Chuck Grassley, Iowa Republican.

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U.S. backed rebel reportedly leads Islamic State in Libya


Major news out of Libya as Abdelhakim Belhadj, the former head of the al Qaeda-linked Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, and a major player in the U.S.-backed overthrow of Moammar Gadhafi, has reportedly joined the Islamic State and is leading its forces there.

This according to The Blaze National Security journalist Sara Carter on Twitter, and Fox News’ Catherine Herridge in a Fox News report.

Belhadj’s ties to al Qaeda were controversial during the run up to U.S. airstrikes in support of the Libyan rebels, but this did not prevent him from maintaining a high profile at the time, including being made head of the Tripoli Military Council, a position he held until resigning to run for office in May 2012.

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Netanyahu’s farcical fear mongering

By Alan Hart

My Chambers dictionary defines farce (a noun) as “comedy of extravagant humour, buffoonery and improbability”; and farcical (the adjective) as “comical, risible, ludicrous. ridiculous.”

Those are my terms of reference for this very short article on Netanyahu’s address to the political whorehouse known as the Congress of the United States of America.

His portrayal of an Iran on course to possess nuclear weapons for the purpose of annihilating Israel, plus the standing ovations and the applause his performance received, might well have pleased enough brainwashed Israeli Jews to vote in ways that guarantee he will emerge from Israel’s upcoming elections in a position to cobble together the next coalition government and serve a fourth term as prime minister.

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Tariq Ali: The Time Is Right for a Palace Revolution 

by Chris Hedges

PRINCETON, N.J.—Tariq Ali is part of the royalty of the left. His more than 20 books on politics and history, his seven novels, his screenplays and plays and his journalism in the Black Dwarf newspaper, the New Left Review and other publications have made him one of the most trenchant critics of corporate capitalism. He hurls rhetorical thunderbolts and searing critiques at the oily speculators and corporate oligarchs who manipulate global finance and the useful idiots in the press, the political system and the academy who support them.

The history of the late part of the 20th century and the early part of the 21st century has proved Ali, an Oxford-educated intellectual and longtime gadfly who once stood as a Trotskyist candidate for Parliament in Britain, to be stunningly prophetic.

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Bibi Comes To Capitol Hill 


Microchipping Mankind: The Global Power Elite’s ‘Product of the Future’ 


In recent years we have seen more and more science-fiction-like nanotechnologies integrated into incredibly tiny RFIDs (Radio Frequency Identification Devices).

These devices can be embedded into a person’s body to serve as a Global Power Master controlling mechanism as they increasingly encroach on civil liberties, political freedom and peoples’ sovereignty everywhere.

Many people relate this to historically recurrent ‘End-Times’ predictions, such as the ominous prophecy in the Christian Book of Revelation. Others more pragmatically point their fingers at the total political and economic control the Elite intends to impose upon all of mankind.

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The Jihadi John Cover Story

Empty WHeel

In the WaPo’s story identifying Jihadi John as Mohammed Emwazi, they noted that the FBI intimated it had ID ISIL’s executioner as far back as February.

Authorities have used a variety of investigative techniques, including voice analysis and interviews with former hostages, to try to identify Jihadi John. James B. Comey, the director of the FBI, said in September — only a month after the Briton was seen in a video killing American journalist James Foley — that officials believed they had succeeded

In a Telegraph piece explaining how the WaPo had IDed Emwazi, Adam Goldman suggests he and his colleagues repeated that approach.

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Horrified! Locals Unaware of Chicago Torture Site

Infowars reporter Joe Biggs takes to the streets of Chicago and is shocked to find out that the majority of Chicagoans are completely unaware of the horrific torture site located right in their back yard. Chicago locals also sound off on the upcoming run off of the mayoral election and how Rahm Emanuel should not be re-elected if he had knowledge of this black site.

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Financial collapse leads to war 


Scanning the headlines in the western mainstream press, and then peering behind the one-way mirror to compare that to the actual goings-on, one can't but get the impression that America's propagandists, and all those who follow in their wake, are struggling with all their might to concoct rationales for military action of one sort or another, be it supplying weapons to the largely defunct Ukrainian military, or staging parades of US military hardware and troops in the almost completely Russian town of Narva, in Estonia, a few hundred meters away from the Russian border, or putting US “advisers” in harm's way in parts of Iraq mostly controlled by Islamic militants.

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Did Clinton Break Laws With Private Emails?

Sky News

Hillary Clinton may have violated federal records laws by using a personal email account for all of her work messages, The New York Times reported.

The newspaper said the former secretary of state and likely Democratic presidential candidate conducted all her official business during her four-year tenure at the State Department on a private email account.

She did not have a government email account during her stint.

Mrs Clinton stepped down as secretary of state in 2013. She has not formally entered the presidential race, but would be considered a front-runner if and when she does.

Federal law says letters and emails written and received by federal officials are government records that must be retained.

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