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We haven't heard a word from Obama or Kerry about the killing of innocent civilians in Eastern Ukraine! WTF?

Alicia Hope

Where is the self-righteous rhetoric? I can hardly find any mention or analysis of the anti-Russian Ukrainian Air Force attack that bombed innocent civilians in Eastern Ukraine! Where is the outrage? Where is the sermon on the mount? It's embarrassing and scandalous to be so blatantly disingenuous and hypocritical. We know Eastern Ukraine doesn't want to be a part of NATO but that doesn't mean they are less than human! They have the right to self-determination! Self-determination denotes the legal right of people to decide their own destiny in the international order. Self-determination is a core principle of international law.

Putin has shown an extreme amount of patience with the anti-Russian forces that are creating chaos on his border.

I have to give CNN, of all places, a little respect because at least they did an investigation and admitted that there was clear evidence that whatever detonations hit the buildings and the adjoining park came from the air!!! The tops of trees were splintered and a series of small craters -- about a dozen -- had been blasted in a straight line, starting in the park and reaching the walls of the building , blowing out many of its windows and spraying the area with jagged shrapnel!!!

Did they just say "spraying the area with jagged shrapnel?"

If you think the jagged shrapnel was to destroy a building, I have some gold that I stole on 9-11-01 from the vault in building 6 to sell you! Bring your money to Rock Creek Park and we'll make a deal!!! But, please come alone!

I don't know what to say, anymore. The MSM is so corrupt that I now see it as a tool of propaganda and war. They are not there to tell the truth. The media is there to persuade you to believe whatever they(TPTB) want you to believe! It's really sad.

Anyone that is an enemy of truth is the friend of EVIL.

Know the enemy!

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