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Ted Cruz needs to  STFU!!!

I'm so tired of the partisan bullshit that I'm about to lose my effing mind! I don't hear Ted Cruz talking about what Bush did in Iraq or Afghanistan! Noooooooooooooooo ... he wants to blame Obama for the US's failures. I don't hear Cruz talking about Cheney's stand down order on 9/11. I don't hear Cruz blaming Rummy the Dummy for torturing God knows how many innocent people in Abu Ghraib! Has Cruz lost his mind? Does he think the American people are as dumb as he is?

The Republicans make me sick and the Democrats make me sick!

I've been sick for a very long time, now!

Putin did what he had to do to protect vital interests in his own backyard! Putin said the US has been anally raping everyone and now the US is outraged! That was a great analogy! How can anyone argue with that assessment?

Has Cruz talked about Victoria Nuland's hacked phone call? Why are we spending billions in the Ukraine?

Everything the Neocons try to do... backfires.

I haven't heard Cruz talk about Operation Gladio in Kiev! What relevance does he have if he doesn't take on the most important issues of the day?

Instead of playing politics, he needs to speak the truth.

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