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End The Lies: Iran Is NOT Paying The Taliban To Kill American Soldiers

by Alicia Hope

The propaganda from the MSM never seems to stop even after being totally discredited about WMD'S and mobile biological labs. And, don't forget about the babies being pulled from incubators lie!

Now, they are claiming that Iran is paying Taliban fighters $1,000 for each U.S. soldier they kill in Afghanistan.

The demons (NWO) don't even realize that we know Iran and the Taliban are ENEMIES.

Iran remains a key regional player in the anti-Taliban alliance.

This is from Time Magazine:

Iran is implacably hostile to the Taliban over that movement's extremist theology and over its killing of Afghan Shiite Muslims. In 1999, Iran almost went to war against the Taliban after its militia killed eight Iranian diplomats and a journalist after capturing a predominantly Shiite town, and has worked together with Russia to support anti-Taliban opposition forces. Despite the overtures between the reformist president Mohammed Khatami and the West on ways of cooperating against terrorism, hard-line spiritual leader Ayatollah Khameini insisted that while Iran condemned the terror strikes in the U.S., Tehran could not support U.S. military action against Afghanistan. Still, whether working directly with the U.S. or not, Iran remains a key regional player in the anti-Taliban alliance.

It looks like the real global terrorists are trying to start a new war and they know it could lead to WW3.

Based on a vision revealed to him, Albert Pike wrote a blueprint of events that would play themselves out in due time. It is this blueprint that leaders are following today, knowingly or not, to engineer the planned Third and Final World War. Albert Pike (1809-1891) was born in the U.S. and graduated from Harvard. He could read or write a dozen languages and served as a Brigadier General in the Confederate Army. Before the Civil War, as a Freemason he re-wrote all 33 of their degrees into their present day form. This concept of the Illuminati puppet-masters, that war and terror and fear of war and terror, as, needed to implement their plan, is classic Dialectic Process. This states that, "conflict brings about change and controlled conflict brings about controlled change." In other words, it invokes their needed changes AND conditions people to properly respond.

Of course, like rats, the devil worshippers will run underground at the appropriate time as WW3 begins. Out of the dust will rise their Masonic Christ and Luciferian doctrine

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