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Mexican Govt Impotent: Headless Corpses Hung From Mexican Bridge

The headless bodies of four men were hung upside down by their feet from an overpass in Cuernavaca, an established, wealthy neighborhood outside of Mexico City.

The corpses in their macabre poses were found early Sunday in this area of rich, elite homes. The Morelos State Attorney General's office reports that the victims' heads and genitals were cut off, also missing from the victims were their index fingers.

Police report that the heads of the men were placed along the side of a highway with a hand written sign that stated: "This is what will happen to all those who support the traitor Edgar Valdez Villareal".

The South Pacific Cartel which goes by the initials CPS, claimed responsibility for the Murders and beheadings. They are described by local authorities as a recently formed gang responsible for several other brutal and gruesome killings.

Problems Getting Worse

It is hard for some to believe, but the violence connected to Mexico's ongoing cartel drug wars is getting more deadly, more violent. President Felipe Calderon's push to fight the powerful cartels and rival gangs engaged in literal turf wars with police, has helped drive the death toll to unheard of numbers; since 2006, when Calderon took office, drug violence has claimed the lives of more than 28,000 people.

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