Entries by Gangster Government (28758)


New police radars can 'see' inside homes


At least 50 U.S. law enforcement agencies have secretly equipped their officers with radar devices that allow them to effectively peer through the walls of houses to see whether anyone is inside, a practice raising new concerns about the extent of government surveillance.

Those agencies, including the FBI and the U.S. Marshals Service, began deploying the radar systems more than two years ago with little notice to the courts and no public disclosure of when or how they would be used.

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Richest 1 Percent To Own More Than Half Of The World's Wealth By 2016, Oxfam Finds

The rich keep getting richer, and by next year, just a handful of the upper-class will have accumulated more than half of the world's wealth.

A new report released on Monday by Oxfam warns that this deepening global inequality is unlike anything seen in recent years.

Using research from Credit Suisse and Forbes' annual billionaires list, the anti-poverty charity was able to determine that the richest 1 percent of the world's population currently controls 48 percent of the world's total wealth.

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As threatened ICC prosecution looms, IDF strives to prove independence of military justice 

Also see: Israel lobbies foreign powers to cut ICC funding

Commanders and soldiers from the IDF’s Givati Brigade struck first. The objective was not Rafah, Shejaiya, or Khan Yunis, but determining the line where IDF operational commanders end and IDF lawyers’ authority becomes dominant.

With International Criminal Court prosecutor Fatou Bensouda’s Friday decision to open a preliminary probe into war crimes allegations from the summer Gaza war and to recognize “Palestine” as a state, every aspect of the internal IDF probe and political debate over how Israeli war crimes investigations should be conducted is being examined under a microscope.

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Steven Bonano, 9/11 police chief, dies at 53 from suspected Ground Zero-tied blood cancer

Steven Bonano, 53, a New York Police Department chief who headed up the agency’s elite Emergency Service Unit — and who was among the first on the scene at the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks on the Twin Towers — died from a blood cancer that was believed tied to his service at Ground Zero.

Officials said he was surrounded by family and friends at the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center when he died, the Daily Mail reported.

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Charlie Hebdo: Report from Europe

Here is a video of the execution of Amedy Coulibaly. It is a German website with the actual live French video of the police assault on the deli. There are three videos. The first one repeatedly shows Coulibaly with tied hands containing no weapons shot downand killed when he could easily have been captured.

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Screenwriter mysteriously killed in 1997 after finishing script that revealed the 'real reason' for US invasion of Panama had been working for the CIA... and both his hands were missing 

When the skeletal remains of Hollywood screenwriter Gary Devore were found strapped into his Ford Explorer submerged beneath the California Aqueduct in 1998 it brought an end to one of America's most high profile missing person cases.

The fact that Devore was on his way to deliver a film script that promised to explain the 'real reason' why the US invaded Panama, has long given rise to a slew of conspiracies surrounding the nature of his 'accidental' death.  

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FDA Admits That Nearly Over 70% of U.S. Chickens Contain Arsenic

I don’t know about the rest of you, but lately my poultry purchases at my local market have become more and more of a ‘hit-and-miss’ situation, with more ‘misses’ if I’m being honest. As I bite into my homemade chicken nuggets or Coq au Vin (when I’m feeling fancy) I can’t help but feel that the chicken just tastes weird, stringy, just…funny. So a few days ago when I turned on the tube and saw the news headlines stating that the FDA has finally confirmed that chicken meat sold in the USA contains arsenic, my head, and stomach, nearly hit the roof. This cancer-causing toxic chemical, that in high doses could kill you, is actually being added to chicken feed on purpose, giving store-bought chicken the illusion of healthy coloring and plump appearance.

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Senator’s husband stands to profit big from government deal


Ever wonder how lowly paid lawmakers leave office filthy rich?

Sen. Dianne Feinstein is showing how it’s done.

The US Postal Service plans to sell 56 buildings — so it can lease space more expensively — and the real estate company of the California senator’s husband, Richard Blum, is set to pocket about $1 billion in commissions.

Blum’s company, CBRE, was selected in March 2011 as the sole real estate agent on sales expected to fetch $19 billion. Most voters didn’t notice that Blum is a member of CBRE’s board and served as chairman from 2001 to 2014.

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Poroshenko rejected peace proposal made by Putin, Putin's spokesman says

(Reuters) - Ukraine's President Petro Poroshenko rejected a peace plan proposed to him last week by his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin, Putin's spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Sunday evening, according to Russian media.

Peskov said the plan, contained in a letter sent by Putin on Thursday evening, proposed a ceasefire by both government forces and separatist militiamen in southeastern Ukraine, as well as the withdrawal of heavy artillery by both sides.

"In recent days, Russia has consistently undertaken efforts as an intermediary in regulating the conflict," Peskov said in comments quoted by the ITAR TASS news agency.

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Ukraine army targeted Gorlovka with 500kg air bombs – Donetsk militia leader

Ukrainian warplanes used 500kg aviation bombs in their attack on the town of Gorlovka on Sunday, said Aleksandr Zakharchenko, head of the People’s Republic of Donetsk, adding that it was not a targeted bombardment.

"Towards the evening, the Ukrainian bombers performed an airstrike on Gorlovka with 500-kilogram aviation bombs. Notably, the bombardment was not targeted; it came from over the clouds and the aim was simply to hit the town,” Zakharchenko said.

Over 30 people, including children, have been killed or injured in Donetsk as a result of the Ukrainian offensive on Sunday, he added.

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Illuminati Blueprint of Hebdo Attack

Has William Tapley tapped into the hidden codes of the Illuminati and their Hebdo attack?

You may not agree with everything but some points are hard to ignore!

Maybe, it's all coincidental.

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Hezbollah confirms Mossad Infiltration

The leader of Lebanon’s Hezbollah movement, Hasan Nasrallah, confirmed Thursday that a spy for Israel infiltrated the group, but he sought to play down recent media reports that described the incident as an unprecedented security breach.

In an interview with a local television station, he said an official who held a “sensitive” position in the powerful Shiite organization was arrested five months ago for working with Israel’s Mossad spy agency. “He was responsible for one department inside one of the security units of Hezbollah,” Nasrallah said.

A flurry of media reports citing unidentified security sources said a senior member of Hezbollah was apprehended recently on suspicion of leaking troves of sensitive details on attack plans to Israel.

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French president François Hollande says that the illuminés (Illuminati?) are behind Charlie Hebdo Attack

  • Faked shooting of injured police officer with an AK-47: no blood, nothing. His brain should have been scattered and splattered everywhere!
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‘CIA killed prisoners, made it look like suicide’ – Guantanamo guard

A former Guantanamo Bay prison guard and Marine explained in details what makes him believe three problematic detainees were killed at CIA black site in Guantanomo and their death was covered up as a triple suicide.

Army Staff Sergeant Joseph Hickman was on duty at the notorious prison camp when the three men died, and insists the official version of events is “impossible,” he told Vice News.

The three men were Salah Ahmed Al-Salami, 37, from Yemen, Mani Shaman Al-Utaybi, 30, from Saudi Arabia, and Yasser Talal Al-Zahrani, 22, also from Saudi Arabia. None of them had been charged with any crime.

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False Flag Weekly News with Kevin Barrett and Jim Fetzer

False flag weekly news is uploaded by No lies Radio every Thursday!

Don't miss it!

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Putin Strikes Back: Russia Cuts Off European Gas Supplies, Starts Selling Dollars: “The Decision Has Been Made” 

Vladimir Putin has been silent lately. But if anyone thought he had been shamed into defeat or marginalized, then think again.

In the last few hours Russia has announced two key strategic decisions that show they are not going to stand idly by while their economy and way of life are destroyed by Western forces.

First, presumably in response to stiff sanctions leveled by the United States and the European Union after the annexation of Crimea last year, Russia has cut off 60% of Europe’s gas supplies right in the middle of winter.

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Charlie Hebdo — Paul Craig Roberts

The Charlie Hebdo affair has many of the characteristics of a false flag operation. The attack on the cartoonists’ office was a disciplined professional attack of the kind associated with highly trained special forces; yet the suspects who were later corralled and killed seemed bumbling and unprofessional. It is like two different sets of people.

Usually Muslim terrorists are prepared to die in the attack; yet the two professionals who hit Charlie Hebdo were determined to escape and succeeded, an amazing feat. Their identity was allegedly established by the claim that they conveniently left for the authorities their ID in the getaway car. Such a mistake is inconsistent with the professionalism of the attack and reminds me of the undamaged passport found miraculously among the ruins of the two WTC towers that served to establish the identity of the alleged 9/11 hijackers.

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CIA panel clears agency personnel of illicitly snooping on Senate torture inquiry 

EDITOR'S NOTE: Go back to watching American Idol. There is nothing to see here! There is no cover-up or conflict of interest! Brennan apologized for nothing!

Five CIA personnel involved in searching computers used by Senate staffers to compile a scathing report on the torture of detainees didn’t break the law, had good reasons to conduct the searches and shouldn’t be penalized, said an agency accountability board report released on Wednesday.

The findings contradicted those of the CIA Inspector General’s Office and charges by former Senate Intelligence Committee Chairwoman Dianne Feinstein that the searches possibly violated the law and the Constitution, casting in an awkward light an apology for the intrusions made by CIA Director John Brennan in July.

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CIA on Trial in Virginia for Planting Nuke Evidence in Iran

Since Tuesday and continuing for the coming three weeks, an amazing trial is happening in U.S. District Court at 401 Courthouse Square in Alexandria, Va. The trial is open to the public, and among the upcoming witnesses is Condoleezza Rice, but — unlike the Chelsea Manning trial — most of the seats at this somewhat similar event are empty.

The media is mostly MIA, and during lunch break the two tables at the cafe across the street are occupied, one by the defendant and his lawyers, the other by a small group of activists, including former CIA officer Ray McGovern, blogger Marcy Wheeler (follow her report of every detail at ExposeFacts.org), and Norman Solomon who has organized a petition at DropTheCharges.org — the name of which speaks for itself.

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4 top Secret Service executives told to leave their posts in agency shake-up


The Secret Service has decided to remove four of its most senior officials while a fifth has decided to retire, the biggest management shake-up at the troubled agency since its director resigned in October after a string of security lapses, according to people familiar with internal discussions.

The departures would gut much of the Secret Service’s upper management, which has been criticized by lawmakers and administration officials in recent months for fostering a culture of distrust between agency leaders and its rank-and-file, and for making poor decisions that helped erode quality.

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